Speaking the lingo…
You don’t have to speak Welsh when you come to stay here at Amroth, though it’s always good fun to learn a few phrases in the local lingo!
A great number of residents do speak the native language. In fact it’s part of some areas school curriculum, so we’ll always fully appreciate anyone giving it a go!
So if you feel confident why not throw the odd word into part of your conversation.
Here are just a few basic words to help take you through your day!
Hello – Shwmae (pronounced shoo my)
Good Morning – Bore Da (pronounced (boar air dah)
How are you? – Sut ydych chi? (pronounced Sit-u-deekh khee)
Please – Os gwelwch yn dda (pronounced Oss guail-loo-chun-tha (‘th’ as in ‘the’)) (Good luck with that one!)
Thank you – Diolch (pronounced dee -olch)
Good Night – Nos Da (pronounced Nos Dah)
Goodbye – Hwyl fawr (pronounced Hoo-yl vah-ur)
See you tomorrow – Welai di ‘fory! (pronounced Well-aye dee vorry!)
Please – Os gwelwch yn dda (pronounced Oss guail-loo-chun-tha (‘th’ as in ‘the’))
Where is…? – Ble mae…? (pronounced Ble my…?)
Yes – Ydw (pronounced Uh-do)
No – Na – (pronounced Nah)
Tea – Te (pronounced The)
Coffee – Coffi (Pronounced Koffee)
Water – Dwr (pronounced Doorr)
Ok so they can seem a little difficult, but when in Wales…
Oh and when you leave how about saying ‘Dwi wedi cael gwyliau bendigedig yma’. Translated as ‘I’ve had a lovely holiday here!’
We’re certain you will have done!
So get booking your stay today…
☎️01834 813 217 💻amrothcastle.com